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发布时间:2021-02-14 17:03:06

『壹』 可口可乐的起源英文简单点

The image of Coke is youthful and modern. But Coke is notnew. It is more than a century old. It was invented in 1886 by a pharmacistcalledJohn Styth Pemberton. Pemberton had a drugstore in Atlanta, he sold liver pills,hair restorer,cough mixturesand other medicines. He made these preparations to his own recipes but peoplecould buy similar procts at any drugstore. They loved his Indian Queenhairdye,but there was nothing special about it. Pemberton wantedto make a proct that people couldbuy only from him. He wanted them to have a reason to choose his shop ratherthan any other. Tonicis a drink thatis supposed to do you good. In the old days,many chemistsmade and sold their own tonic wine. In 1885 Pemberton came up with French WineCola. It must have tasted rather like Coke. At first Pemberton put a little alcohol in it,but later he left it out. He is said to have mixed hisbrew in the backyard in a three-legged brass pot like a witches’cauldron.Pemberton sold the new drink as a quick cure for headaches. But headaches or noheadaches. his staff were soon watering down5 the syrup and drinking it toslake6 their thirst on hot days. Maybe he really had invented a new soft drinkproct.
On saturday 8 May 1886 Pembertontook a jugof syrup down the street to another drugstore,Jacobs’Pharmacy—to do atest. Jacobs’pharmacy had a soda7 fountain. This machine adds carbon dioxide towater to make fizzysoda, and then mixes it with syrup to make a refreshing8drink. Stallsselling ice cream and fizzy drinks made by soda fountains becameknown simply as soda fountains.
The staff and customers of Jacobs’pharmacy tried Pemberton’s headache cure mixed with soda and loved its taste.it was excellent,but it did not have a name.
One of Pemberton’s partners,hisbook-keeper Frank Robinson,suggested Coca-Cola Syrup and Extract—whichbecame Coca-Cola for short. He thoughtthe two Cs would go well in advertising. He wrote down the name in the simpleflowing handwriting that he used in his account books. His scriptbecame theproct’s trademark. Coca-Cola went on sale immediately at five cents a glass.

『贰』 可口可乐公司英文简介

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines in more than 200 countries. It is proced by The Coca-Cola Company and is often referred to simply as Coke or (in European and American countries) as Cola or Pop. Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Stith Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft drink market throughout the 20th century.

The company proces concentrate, which is then sold to various licensed Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the company, proce finished proct in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to retail stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises, which is the largest single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and western Europe. The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for fountain sales to major restaurants and food service distributors.

The Coca-Cola Company has, on occasion, introced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most common of these is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola. However, others exist, including Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Cherry Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Vanilla Coke and special editions with lemon and with lime and even with coffee.

In response to consumer insistence on a more natural proct, the company is in the process of phasing out E211, or sodium benzoate, the controversial additive linked to DNA damage and hyperactivity in children, of Diet Coke. The company has stated that it plans to remove the controversial additive from its other procts - including Sprite, and Oasis - as soon as a satisfactory alternative is discovered.

The first Coca-Cola recipe was invented in Columbus, Georgia at a drugstore by John Stith Pemberton, originally as a cocawine called Pemberton's French Wine Coca in 1885.He may have been inspired by the formidable success of European Angelo Mariani's cocawine, Vin Mariani.

In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola. The original recipe was made without carbonated water, but was added later when Pemberton was mixing the drink for friends without the carbonated water and accidentally added it to a glass. His friends loved it more and he decided to continue making his drink with the carbonated water instead. The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886.It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time e to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal. For the first eight months only nine drinks were sold each day.[citation needed]

By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola — sold by three separate businesses — were on the market. Asa Griggs Candler acquired a stake in Pemberton's company in 1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola Company in 1888. The same year, while suffering from an ongoing addiction to morphine, Pemberton sold the rights a second time to four more businessmen: J.C. Mayfield, A.O. Murphey, C.O. Mullahy and E.H. Bloodworth. Meanwhile, Pemberton's alcoholic son Charley Pemberton began selling his own version of the proct.

In an attempt to clarify the situation, John Pemberton declared that the name Coca-Cola belonged to Charley, but the other two manufacturers could continue to use the formula. So, in the summer of 1888, Candler sold his beverage under the names Yum Yum and Koke. After both failed to catch on, Candler set out to establish a legal claim to Coca-Cola in late 1888, in order to force his two competitors out of the business. Candler purchased exclusive rights to the formula from John Pemberton, Margaret Dozier and Woolfolk Walker. However, in 1914, Dozier came forward to claim her signature on the bill of sale had been forged, and subsequent analysis has indicated John Pemberton's signature was most likely a forgery as well.

Old German Coca-Cola bottle opener.In 1892, Candler incorporated a second company, The Coca-Cola Company (the current corporation), and in 1910, Candler had the earliest records of the company burned, further obscuring its legal origins. Regardless, Candler began marketing the proct, although the efficacy of his concerted advertising campaign would not be realized until much later. By the time of its 50th anniversary, the drink had reached the status of a national icon for the USA. In 1935, it was certified kosher by Rabbi Tobias Geffen, after the company made minor changes in the sourcing of some ingredients.

Coke concentrate, or Coke syrup, was and is sold separately at pharmacies in small quantities, as an over-the-counter remedy for nausea or mildly upset stomach.

『叁』 谁知道美国可口可乐的历史

1885美国乔治来州的潘伯顿医生〈Dr.JohnS.Pemberton〉,在地窖中把碳酸水加苏打水搅在一块,成为一深色的糖浆。他的合伙人罗宾逊(FrankM,Robinson)〈从糖浆的两种成分,激发出命名的灵感,於是有史以来最成功的软性饮料可口可乐就此诞生了。 1886〈5.08〉可口可乐在亚特兰大的药房首卖。 1888〈4.14〉潘伯顿将三分之一的股权悄悄的卖给艾萨凯德勒〈AsaCandler〉。 1888〈8.16〉潘伯顿过世了。 1888〈8.30〉可口可乐的股权移转到大富豪AsaCandler的身上,原因是他有一天头痛的毛病又发,仆人拿来一杯热可乐,喝下之后却好了,从此他就开始大力投资可口可乐。 1892〈1.29〉可口可乐有限公司成立。〈Thecoca-colacompany〉 1892可口可乐首笔被记录下来的广告预算〈11401〉 1893可口可乐在亚特兰大之外的第一个制造地-达拉斯〈Dallas,Texas〉 1899艾萨凯德勒把装瓶权利卖出,保留神秘配方及可口可乐名称的所有权。 1900JosephWhitehead取得执照在亚特兰大成立瓶盖工厂。 1909美国广告协会惠眼识英雄,选可口可乐为最佳广告商品。 1915你现在瞧见的可口可乐曲线瓶由AlexanderSamuelson发明,称为Hobbleskirt。 1921可口可乐副总裁HarrisonJone发明了把六罐可乐瓶放在一箱。 1923〈4.28〉影吃可口可乐最重要的领导人RobertWoodruff上任。 1926可口可乐公司第一次采用广播广告。 1928可口可乐开始在中国天津及上海装瓶生产。 1928可口可乐开始跟奥运合作。 1931代表可口可乐的第一个圣诞老人出现,由插画家HaddonSundblom设计。 1934可口可乐的自动贩卖机出现在Chicago。 1934可口可乐的工厂在英国诞生了。 1941可口可乐第一次在广告上使用“Coke” 1942可口可乐出现了第一个纸杯。 1949第一个可口可乐的衣服和收音机问世了。 1955可口可乐最重要的总裁RobertW.Wooddruff退休了。 1955可口可乐八瓶装成一箱的新Size问世。 1960〈4.21〉可口可乐迷死人的曲线瓶申请到专利权。 1967〈8.7〉可口可乐成立了食品公司。 1968可口可乐新产品“FrozenCoca-Cola”问世。 1971Coca-Cola成为世界上最大最广的饮料商标。 1982〈2.4〉你我熟悉的健怡可口可乐Diet-Coka问世。 1983无咖啡因可口可乐和无咖啡因健怡可口可乐在美上世。 1985〈4.23〉可口可乐推出号称的新配方“newformulacoka”,但是相当不受欢迎,股价下跌,销售滑落。 1985〈7.10〉可口可乐赶紧弥补,“ClassicCoke”再度回到市面。 1985〈10〉塑胶瓶的可口可乐问世。 1985美国太空梭挑战者号将可口可乐带进外太空,成为人类在太空饮用的第一个碳酸饮料。 1986小女生爱喝的樱桃可口可乐CherryCoke问世。 【可口可乐英文字COCA-COLA的由来】 潘柏顿的合伙人罗宾逊,是一位精明的推销家,他从糖浆的两种成分,激发出命名的灵感。这两种成分就是古柯〈Coca〉的叶子和可乐〈Kola〉的果实。罗宾逊为了整其画一,将Kola的K改为C,然后在两个字的中间加上一横画,於是Coca-Cola便诞生了。


可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company)成立於1892年,目前可口可乐公司总部设在美国乔治亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),其年营收达20,092百万美元,普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元.可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水,运动饮料,乳类饮品,果汁,茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧(Sprite)则是成长最快的饮料,其他品牌包括伯克(Barq)的root beer(沙士),水果国度(Fruitopia)以及大浪(Surge).

可口可乐这风行一百多年的奇妙液体,是在1886年由美国乔治亚州亚特兰大人-约翰潘伯顿(Dr. John S. Pemberton)在家中后院中将碳酸水和糖以及其他原料混合在一个三脚壶中而发明的,同年十二月法兰克 罗宾森和大卫 窦及爱德 荷兰合伙并将新企业取名为潘柏顿化学公司.1887年6月6日潘柏顿申请可口可乐注册商标专利权,以确定他享有法律上的发言权,同年6月20日专利获准,一星期后潘柏顿售出股的三分之二以1,201美元代价卖给威立斯 维能窦和乔治 劳迪斯.1887年12月14日,劳迪斯及维能窦以1,200美金的代价把可口可乐的权利卖给约瑟夫 雅各.1888年5月1日阿沙 康德勒共花了2,300美金把可口可乐的所有权全部买下.1889年康德勒并没做多少广告,可口可乐却快速成长,其总销售量达到2,171加仑.1891年12月29日,康德勒申请成立可口可乐公司.1892年可口可乐公司获颁公司章程,正式组成公司.一九一九年,即康德勒退休几年之后,他的家族将可口可乐出售,价格高达2,500百万美元.比起他当年的投资总额2,200百美元,这个数字实在可观,买下他的是银行家伍德鲁夫,他在德拉瓦州注册,并且让股份公开上市,每股以40美元挂牌.

希望人们「一伸手就拿得到可口可乐」,这是在1923年当时担任执行长之罗伯特所提出的,其并下达予公司三个指导原则即绝对忠於公司与产品;产品简单化:一种饮料,一种瓶子,一个价格;合夥人的待遇要高.这些核心价值及指导原则亦成为可口可乐后来快速成长的秘诀之一.论及其成功真正的关键则是其能有效的预见未来之趋势,由其抢滩德国,培养下一任的总裁便可知,而罗伯特 柯伊祖埃塔(曾担任该公司之总裁)更叫道格 伊司威特(继任者)勤学市场公平竞争法,以免步入MICROSOFT,INTEL的后尘.真正令可口可乐的销售大步向前的原因是"可口可乐产品本身自我销售的能力".一八九二年拓展可口可乐的业务,所使用的方式是「口耳相传」(可口可乐的销售员手上提著装满招待券的皮箱「上面写著:免费试喝一杯5美分的可口可乐」,搭乘火车,从一个乡镇前往另一个乡镇),「可口可乐」这个名字才是产品真正的价值所在,而其注册商标则是唯一的保障.买可口可乐附赠一些所谓的「经销商促销辅助品」,每件东西上面都印有可口可乐的商标,目的就是要加深顾客的印象.









『肆』 可口可乐的诞生,英文的

可口可乐的诞生[The birth of Coca-Cola]

The image of Coke is youthful and modern. But Coke is not new. It is more than a century old. It was invented in 1886 by a pharmacist(药剂师) called John Styth Pemberton. Pemberton had a drugstore in Atlanta,where he sold liver pills,hair restorer(生发剂),cough mixtures(止咳药水) and other medicines. He made these preparations(制剂) to his own recipes but people could buy similar procts at any drugstore. They loved his Indian Queen hairdye(染发剂),but there was nothing special about it. Pemberton wanted to make a proct that people could buy only from him. He wanted them to have a reason to choose his shop rather than any other. Tonic(补药) is a drink that is supposed to do you good. In the old days,many chemists made and sold their own tonic wine. In 1885 Pemberton came up with French Wine Cola. It must have tasted rather like Coke. At first Pemberton put a little alcohol in it,but later he left it out. He is said to have mixed his brew(酿造的饮料) in the backyard in a three-legged brass pot like a witches’cauldron(女巫的大锅). Pemberton sold the new drink as a quick cure for headaches. But headaches or no headaches. his staff were soon watering down5 the syrup(含药糖浆) and drinking it to slake6 their thirst on hot days. Maybe he really had invented a new soft drink(软饮料) proct.
On saturday 8 May 1886 Pemberton took a jug(壶,罐) of syrup down the street to another drugstore,Jacobs’Pharmacy(药店)—to do a test. Jacobs’pharmacy had a soda7 fountain. This machine adds carbon dioxide to water to make fizzy(冒气泡的) soda, and then mixes it with syrup to make a refreshing8 drink. Stalls(货摊,摊位) selling ice cream and fizzy drinks made by soda fountains became known simply as soda fountains.
The staff and customers of Jacobs’ pharmacy tried Pemberton’s headache cure mixed with soda and loved its taste. it was excellent,but it did not have a name.
One of Pemberton’s partners,his book-keeper(记账人) Frank Robinson,suggested Coca-Cola Syrup and Extract—which became Coca-Cola for short. He thought the two Cs would go well in advertising. He wrote down the name in the simple flowing handwriting that he used in his account books(账簿). His script(笔迹,手迹) became the proct’s trademark. Coca-Cola went on sale immediately at five cents a glass.


『伍』 可口可乐的由来中英对照

可口可乐的由来 在1886年5月,约翰潘柏顿医生( Dr.John S. Pemberton )正在研制一种用来医治感冒的新药物,一天,他在自己家中的地牢里,将古柯(Coca)的叶子和可乐(Kola)的果实在一个大铜锅里搅成一块,成为一深棕色的液体,这便是「原始可乐」。 法兰克罗宾逊( Frank M. Robinson )是潘柏顿的合夥人,他替「可口可乐」进行包装,并以两种原料Coca及Kola作为「原始可乐」的名称,取其名为「Coca Kola」,为了整其划一,将Kola的K改为C,然後再在两个字中间加上一划,便成为了风靡整个世纪的「Coca-Cola」。「可口可乐」最初只是一种药物,在药房里出售,由於「原始可乐」的味道不太好,因此潘柏顿建议病人与梳打水一同服用,加入梳打水後的「原始可乐」便成为了「可口可乐」,病人试过之後发觉味道竟然非常好,自此之後「可口可乐」便开始在饮料店出售,售五分钱一杯。 ↑约翰潘柏顿 可口可乐最初在饮料店售卖时并不受欢迎,直至有一天,富商艾萨凯德勒( Asa Candler )的头痛毛病又发,家中的仆人拿了一杯热可口可乐给他,他喝下了之後所有头痛都好了,於是他便买下可口可乐的股权,并大力发展,几经波折之後,可口可乐终於走上了成功的大道,更於1892年成立可口可乐有限公司。 Coca-Cola's Origin In May 1886, John Dr. Pan Bain (Dr.John S. Pemberton) is being used to develop a new drug to treat a cold day, he's at his home in prison, the coca (Coca) The leaves and clonidine (Kola) at the fruits of a large piece of铜锅in搅成become a dark brown liquid, which is the "original Coke." Frank Robinson (Frank M. Robinson) is a partner of Dayton PAN, for him, "Coca-Cola" for packaging and raw materials in both Coca and Kola as "original Coke," the name, select the name "Coca Kola", "Coca-Cola" was originally just a drug, sold in pharmacies, because of "original Coke" is not a good smell, it recommends that patients with PAN Dayton梳打use of water together, add water梳打of "original Coke" has become the "Coca-Cola" after the patient had actually found a very good taste, and since then, "Coca-Cola" began to shop at the sale of beverages, to sell a fifth of the money. PAN ↑ John Leighton Coca-Cola was first sold in the beverage store and unpopular, until one day, Isaac wealthy凯德勒(Asa Candler) headache and hair problems, house servant, took the hot cup of Coca-Cola to him after he drank all the Well have a headache, so he bought a stake in Coca-Cola, and to develop, after several twists and turns, the success of Coca-Cola has finally embarked on the road, but also in the establishment of the Coca-Cola Ltd. in 1892.

『陆』 可口可乐的历史







































『柒』 急!!!求可口可乐公司成立的历史以及成立以来的成就,要英文版!!!在线等

『捌』 可口可乐公司的历程英文简介


『玖』 可口可乐英文简介

1998年取得‘可口可乐’杯全国奥林匹克足球联赛冠军; 1999年取得全国青年足球锦标赛冠军专...英文简属介: Their personal names mean ‘auspicious’ and ‘happiness’ respectively.



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