導航:首頁 > 歷史簡介 > 我認為歷史沒有物理有用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2021-03-09 15:49:40

① 但我認為那是沒有用的 英語怎麼說

呵呵,我是英語老師。But I don't think it is useful . it可以替換成你想說的事物

② 我認為歷史是難的因為它有太多的年和事件去記憶 用英語怎麼說

I think history is hard because it has too many years and events to go to memory

③ 翻譯 我認為歷史很無聊 我認為歷史很無聊 用英語怎麼說

i think that history is very boring.

④ 所得結果沒有物理意義用英語怎麼說



The results have no physical meaning

⑤ 我認為歷史難學 因為它要記很多東西 用英語怎麼說

I think history is difficult to learn because I will remember a lot of facts.

⑥ 「我認為沒有了」用英語怎麼說謝謝

I don't think it is.

I don't think we have a choice here.
provided by jukuu


⑦ 翻譯<我最喜歡歷史,我對地理最感興趣,我覺得物理最枯燥,英語最難,數學最重要和最有用>

方案1: History is my favourate, geography is most interesting, physics is boring, English is hard, while mathematics is most important and useful for me.

方案2:I consider history as my favorate subject, while geography is the most interesting one, I feel physics is the top boring subject, well, English is number one hard, and mathematics is most important and useful.


⑧ 「我認為物理是難的,因為它的邏輯思維能力很強」用英語怎麼說



I think physics is difficult because of its strong logical thinking ability.


⑨ 我認為美術比物理更有趣用英語怎麼說呢

I think art is more interesting than physical.

⑩ 我媽媽認為歷史沒有英語重要用英語怎麼說啊

My mother thought that History is not so important as English.



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